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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I-171H - What's That You Ask? Well Let Me Tell You!

I've taken some heat lately for not posting. I'm a believer in trying not to bore people with posts unless I REALLY have something to say and now...I finally do! [this is for you Shannon B. = ) ]Today we received our I-171H in the mail which is another step in the right direction. This is the document you receive from the INS which states the U.S. government has reviewed all previous documentation including your homestudy and fingerprints and decided you are eligible to adopt a foreign born orphan. So, we are A-OK with the USA. Hurrah!

Following is a little adoption humor regarding the I-171H which I stole from another site, but I don't think they'll mind (thanks Joe and Jane) Enjoy!

Honey, sit down. I have some news for you. What is it? Well, I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it. I went out to the mailbox today and ... well, we got an I-171H. A what?!? An I-171H? As in, we're going to have another baby?!?It looks that way. But how? We've been so careful! I put away all the blank I-600A forms. Didn't you hide our homestudy update?Of course I did. But don't forget, there was that one night...What night? (pauses) Ohhh, that night. But it was only once. We were just messing around. I didn't print clearly. I didn't even use ink! (pauses again) But it was kind of fun.(giggles)It was, wasn't it? I'll never forget how cute you looked getting your fingerprints.So now we've got our I-171H, eh? But that doesn't always mean you'll adopt, does it? I mean, shouldn't you see the agency or something, make sure everything's okay?bI already did, and?I'm five documents along! Five documents! And they're all notarized, certified and authenticated okay?Just great! There was one small scare when the agency couldn't see the Notary's middle initial, but it showed up just fine under the magnifying glass. Thank God. And you honey? Are you feeling okay? I'm feeling fine. As long as I know you're happy about this. Happy? I'm thrilled! It's always a shock at first when something like this happens, but of course I'm happy.~Anonymous

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